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Transfer CFT 3.10 Product Documentation

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Install Transfer CFT for OpenVMS

Transfer CFT comprises Transfer CFT and the utilities supporting communications between Transfer CFT and users. The installation procedure creates the environment in which Transfer CFT is executed. The system manager assigns users the appropriate quotas and privileges to access the tools used to dialog with Transfer CFT.
There are two types of installation:

  • Initial product installation: This procedure generates a complete environment comprising a standard directory structure. When the installation terminates correctly, a procedure generates configuration files that enable you to perform a test loop-back transfer.
  • Upgrade: This installation procedure renames the previous Transfer CFT subdirectories and generates a new standard installation directory structure.

See the  Product license key section for information on the license key and the end user license.

Before you start

Axway Transfer CFT is part of the managed file transfer (MFT) product family. Transfer CFT is a transfer exchange system that enables reliable and secure internal file transfers between applications.
You may want to check the installation order and prerequisites if you install Transfer CFT as part of an Axway Managed File Transfer solution.
Before you start the installation, you should:

  • Download the installation package from the Axway support site.
  • Unzip the package.

Installation package contents

The installation package is a zip archive. You should unzip it on the OpenVMS machine. Once you unzip it, it contains the product and the installation procedure (installer).

Installation functions

The installer installs, configures, updates, and uninstalls Transfer CFT. You can run the following installation modes:

  • Link product

Installation modes

Use the standard SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL procedure to install the product.

Installed directories

After installing the product, the following sub-directories are installed.

  • DKA0:[CFT.HOME] contains product files
  • DKA0:[CFT.RUNTIME] contains primarily configuration files and executables

Prepare for installation

To prepare for the installation procedure:

  1. Log into a privileged account and access the SYS$UPDATE directory. Enter the username and password.
    • Username: SYSTEM
    • Password:
  2. Access the directory where you uploaded the zipped installation kit files. The Transfer_CFT_3.10_Install_vms-ia64_<BN>.zip file contains the following archive files:
    • cft310.a
    • cft310.b
    • cft310.c
    • cft310.d
  3. Unzip the file: unzip Transfer_CFT_3.10_Install_vms-ia64_<BN>.zip

Start the installation

  1. Enter the command: @sys$update:vmsinstal cft310
    The OpenVMS Software Product Installation Procedure screen is displayed.
  2. Follow the screen instructions in the example installation below, where 3.x represents the current version.

    * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y
    * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? 
    * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: DKA0:[CFT]
    * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): 
    The following products will be processed:
      CFT V31.0 
  3. Define the installation options.

    	Beginning installation of CFT V31.0
    %VMSINSTAL-I-VALSIGN, Performing product kit validation of signed kits ...
    %VMSINSTAL-I-NOVALDONE, Product is not signed by HP
    * Do you want to install this product [NO]? y
    %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ...
      Logical names have not been detected CFTDIRINSTALL and CFTDIRRUNTIME
      To update an existing account CFT, please load the CFTLOGIN.COM
    ### First installation of Transfer CFT ... ###
  4. Define the groups that can connect to Transfer CFT.

    The following restrictions apply when using Transfer CFT in a multi-node architecture: the Transfer CFT user must be available on all machines where you are installing Transfer CFT and have the same group number and user ID.

        For each user group that connects to Transfer CFT via CFTUTIL, COPILOT, or
        Transfer CFT APIs, Transfer CFT uses 4 global sections for an 
        approximate total of 10500 global pages, with each global 
        section being shared by all users that are in the same group.
    * Number of groups using CFT [1]: 
  5. Define the Transfer CFT user account. The user name entered during installation is displayed; otherwise, the default value CFTVMS is used. 

    * Name of Transfer CFT account [CFTVMS]:
    Do you want to use CFTVMS as the profile?
    * Do you want to update the profile [Yes]:
  6. Select the transfer options. 

    * Do you wish to continue [Yes]: 
        CFT is a multi-task file transfer monitor. It supports
        the TCP/IP networks.
        To optimize file accesses, CFT can create up to eight
        sub-processes to control up to eight transfers each
        and a total of up to 64 transfers at any one time.
        Depending on your requirements, the account running the monitor
        uses specific privileges and the associated system resources.
    *   Maximum of simultaneous transfers (all networks) [32]: 
    *   Maximum of file sub-processes                    [8]: 
    *   Maximum of transfers per file sub-process        [8]: 
        CFT can submit command procedures on detection of specific events 
        (log file full, end of tranfer, transfer error and so on).
        These procedures are submitted in batch mode in the queue
        of your choice.
    *   Name of the batch queue used by CFT   [SYS$BATCH]: 
        End of transfer procedures can be executed for
        the CFT monitor or the owner of the tranfer.
        This feature requires the CMKRNL privilege.
    *   Will procedures be executed
    *    for the transfer owner user [No]: 

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